Designer Technology Opens Up New Options for Home Design

Today's home technology is advancing rapidly both in design and style. Gone are the days of bulky technology or incompatible components. Technology and design have begun working together to have a positive impact on a homeowner's daily life.

benefits of home automation

Source: Shutter Stock

Homeowners now have access to a wide variety of technological advances in home design, including:

  • Automation: Faucets, entertainment components, and security systems are just a few of the many home features that are becoming more and more automated. A few small automation updates can make a big difference in your home.
  • Lighting: LED lighting has received an upgrade. Light bulbs controlled by a smart phone app, color changing bulbs, and LED strips designed for easy installation are popular examples of advancing light technology.
  • Home comfort: Programmable thermostats are becoming even smarter. Smart comfort systems, such as the Nest, know when you are at home, can adapt to your living patterns, and adjust based on your personal preferences.

nest home automation technology
Contemporary Living Room by Palo Alto Appliances Nest
Country Club Homes is your resource for new home design trends. Contact us today to learn more about how designer technology can be integrated into your new home.  Call us at 203-762-0550 or visit our website.