Monochromatic (Well… Mostly): Interior Design Using One Color

With interior design, who says that you need many different patterns and all types of colors to make a statement about you personality? Those of us at Country Club Homes, Inc. know that a little can go a long way. That's why we want to call your attention to how elegant and sophisticated a home designed with a monochromatic can be. Believe it or not, one color can tell a story just as much as a cacpohony of multiple hues, and we have the pictures to illustrate just that idea. Depending on the room you can choose any base color: red, soft blue, stunning pastels. For this example we show you a magnificent monochromatic theme with white, black, and perhaps a bit in between. As you can see in the pictures below, one color says it all.

Country Club Homes, Inc.

Country Club Homes, Inc.

The Monochromatic Color Palette

The Monochromatic Color Palette

The Monochromatic Color Palette

The Monochromatic Color Palette

The Monochromatic Color Palette

The Monochromatic Color Palette

The Monochromatic Color Palette

The Monochromatic Color Palette
