Building an environmentally-friendly home will not only aid the planet, it will also help you in your pocket book as well. "Green” homes are typically more cost-efficient to run, and generate a higher price when resold. Although there are a multitude of decisions to be made when building "green", here are a few key tips to get you started:
Source: ZeroEnergy Design via Houzz
Don’t Overbuild – In addition to the initial building cost, extra space also requires maintenance. It is wasteful for you and the environment if you really don’t need the room.
Spend on High-Efficiency Appliances – While high-efficiency appliances cost a little more, you will easily recoup your investment in as little as 18 months with a decrease in your utility bills. In addition, they waste less water and other natural resources.
Insulate Properly – This tip does not just refer to the insulation in your walls and ceiling, although they are quite important. Also be sure to use energy-efficient windows and doors, and properly seal them.
Source: Country Club Homes
For more information on green home building, or if you are looking to build an environmentally-friendly, custom home in the Fairfield County area, please contact us at Country Club Homes. We can be found online at You can also reach us directly at 203-762-0550.