Trick or treaters will navigate many a walkway this weekend, which prompted us to review what makes an interesting path to a home. There are many options depending on a home’s style, climate, and neighborhood. Here are just a few ideas to consider:
Straight Lines or Curves and Angles: A straight walkway is the best choice if you want to create a direct eye line from the sidewalk to your front door and make your home a dramatic focal point. Even if you opt for walkways that are primarily straight on, adding just one curve or angle increases visual interest dramatically. When the path is designed to make its way around an existing element of the landscape such as a tree, the affect is even more inviting.
Adding Color and Texture: During the months when blooms abound, landscaping becomes an important part of the visual framing for a pathway. The materials you select for a walkway add interest to the landscape year-round. Natural stone or brick are classic choices with enduring appeal. Granite and slate are both fairly durable and offer intriguing elements of color and texture to your home’s curb appeal. Concrete is another sturdy option that has evolved over the years to include variations in color and texture.
A Little Imperfection Can be Perfect: Mixing materials or laying stones in a slightly uneven fashion can add charming style to your walkway.
At Country Club Homes, we stay in touch with the latest custom home design trends to share exciting new ideas with our clients. Contact us today at 203-762-0550 or visit us at to learn more about our work.