Upholstered walls can add beauty, visual interest, and quiet to any room. Although they may seem extravagant they are a great way to set your home's design apart. Upholstered walls will work in any room, are incredibly versatile in their design, and provide a touch of luxury.
Traditional Kids by Newport Beach Interior Designers & Decorators Wendi Young Design
There are certain questions to ask before you begin constructing upholstered walls in your custom home:
- What are my local ordinances? Some localities may require that upholstered walls utilize flame retardant fabric, batting, and foam. Verify with local building codes to ensure you are choosing the right materials.
- How will it be installed? You can either choose to have the upholstered sections installed individually or as part of a pre-fabricated frame system. The frame system doesn't allow for finishing trim but can make installation easier.
- What is my budget? Be mindful of how much upholstered walls can cost. Take into consideration your entire construction budget before determining the scope of the project and which materials to use.
Traditional Bathroom by Saratoga Springs Design-Build Firms Witt Construction
Our team at Country Club Homes is ready to help bring your custom home design ideas to life. Contact us today to learn more about our work. Call us at 203-762-0550 or visit us at www.countryclubhomesinc.com.