Is Your Home Ready for Spring? Tips for Greeting the New Season.

Spring officially starts this weekend. With its spirit of renewal, spring is the ideal season to start fresh at home. Caring for your home in harmony with seasonal changes feels good and makes sense, too. It’s easier to remember tasks and stay organized when you plan your home maintenance in alignment with the calendar. Here are some tips for welcoming spring in your home:

Clean and Organize

  • Clean all windows inside and out, then open them up and let in some fresh air – even if it is still a little brisk!
  • Deep clean bathrooms and kitchens, tackling places such as the tops of cabinetry and the nooks and crannies behind appliances that don’t usually get a vigorous cleaning.
  • Send out any rugs for deep cleaning and give thorough attention to wood floors, too, for a satisfying gleam.


Tips for Greeting the New Season

Time to fix anything that isn’t working. TotalCare our affiliated full-service company serves people throughout Fairfield County with their homecare needs.


Repair and Replace

  • Time to fix anything that isn’t working! Start with a list - from squeaky doors to missing knobs and take care of each task one by one.
  • Replace smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector batteries; test and clean ceiling fans; review any AC and ventilation systems.
  • Rotate and flip your mattresses and switch out heavier bedding for lighter materials and colors.

Rethink and Rearrange

  • Spring is a great time to freshen a space by rearranging furniture for a slightly different perspective. Even a small change can make a room feel new. Similarly, one bold statement piece, such as a lighting fixture or occasional table, will create a sense of renewal in a space.
  • Bring bright new accessories into your space, from new throw pillows and blankets, to a fresh piece of art or beautiful vase.

If you would like to free yourself from the hassle of repairs and maintenance to your home and property, give our affiliated company, TotalCare, a call at 203-210-7080 or visit their website.

At Country Club Homes, we stay in touch with the latest custom home design trends to share exciting new ideas with our clients. Contact us today at 203-762-0550 or visit us at to learn more about our work.