Tag Archives: Country Club Homes Inc.

Choose the Right Fireplace Material to Make a Statement in Your Home

[caption id="attachment_2848" align="aligncenter" width="387"] Source: Country Club Homes[/caption] A fireplace is a must in most New England homes. It provides warmth in the winter, serves as a design focal point and can anchor a room. Choosing the right material for the fireplace in your home is essential to ensure it matches both the home's architecture…
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Is an Attic Bedroom Right For Your Home?

Many homeowners, in the quest to find more room for their family, turn to the otherwise ignored attic. It's not a bad idea as the space is already available, can be insulated easily and makes for a private yet accessible bedroom. Here are a few things to know when considering an attic bedroom renovation. [caption id="attachment_2834"…
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Save Money on Your Heating and Cooling with Emme

There are many factors that go into building an energy-efficient home, and one of the most important decisions is the choice of heating and cooling equipment. Programmable thermostats, controllable ducts and other innovations have revolutionized climate control.  In particular, the use of zone-controlled systems, like those manufactured by Emme, can save you up to 40% on…
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An Innovative Ceiling Finish Can Add Style to Your Home

[caption id="attachment_2768" align="aligncenter" width="550"] Source: Country Club Homes[/caption] While an ordinary ceiling will often go unnoticed, a stylish one will provide an aesthetic appeal, and complement the entire decor of a room.  Here are some innovative suggestions for adding some interest to your ceilings: Gable Vault – A gable vault is a ceiling that is left…
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