Tag Archives: sustainability for houses

New Construction for Latest in Sustainable Features

The National Association of Home Builders recently conducted a survey asking new home buyers about their views on sustainability. The top sustainable features that buyers are seeking include Energy Star rated appliances, low-E windows, and programmable thermostats. There was also a strong contingent of buyers who desire even more sustainable features including geo-thermal technology, photovoltaic solar panels, and…
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Tips for Building a Classy, Eco-Friendly Driveway

Did you know that traditional asphalt or concrete driveways increase the amount of stormwater runoff that ends up in nearby rivers and lakes? As this runoff is carried away, it picks up traces of pollutants, such as pesticides and petroleum. You can help curb this potential pollution of rivers and lakes by installing a green…
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Preparing Your Fairfield County Home for a Storm

We've seen some wild weather in the Northeast this winter and now is the time to ensure that your home is prepared for the next storm. After all, they just seem to sneak up on us! And let's not forget that hurricane season is on the horizon. Many of these preparations are simple but can…
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Why Opt for a Green Home in Fairfield County?

Over the past few years, you may have heard the phrase "green home" being used more and more. But this isn't in reference to nature's most well-known color. A green home is one that's designed to be sustainable and environmental friendly. These home tend to have features that focus on saving water, energy and building materials…
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